Meet the Tigers
Dancing Tigers
Dance Sandeep is a native of Hyderabad, India and he is a professional dancer and choreographer who specialises in Bollywood, South Indian Street Dance (Dappan Kuthu), and Open Style Choreography. Shalini Don is a Malaysian part-time dancer and choreographer trained in Indian classical dance—Bharatha Natyam. In 2018, both the artists crossed paths in the strikingly enchanting city of Prague where they currently reside in. Their appetite for innovative storytelling through movement as well as their shared principles of openness and honesty drove them to join forces as 'Dancing Tigers'. Together, they are dedicated to channelling their collective energy and artistry towards creating daringly creative and stimulating art through fearless yet disciplined experimentation of movement. They believe that the key to creating quality art is to have solid knowledge and training in the fundamental styles that make the base of their individual movements; for Sandeep it's Hip Hop and Dappan Kuthu, for Shalini it's Bharatha Natyam. Continued learning and thorough grounding enable them to make intelligent choices and cross set boundaries responsibly when exploring their unique collaborative style. They hope to enrich and uplift the world with their art, which is essentially an organic outgrowth of their playful spirit, raw communicative impulse, and deep respect for the fundamentals that shaped their movement.
“You must be playful and impulsive to be an artist.
We create when our souls are up to mischief and there's mischief in everything we create.”
- Dancing Tigers -
“A tiger does not proclaim his tigritude, he pounces.”
- Wole Soyinka -
Tiger Greetings
[chuhf-uhl] v., n.
Intransitive Verb
(of the larger species of cats) to make a low-frequency sound similar to the purring of smaller cat species by expelling air through the nostrils, often as a greeting
such a sound
Give Us A Chuffle
Reach out to us for general inquiries, event bookings, or artistic collaborations.